Dokan Pro v3.11.2 Nulled + Theme v2.3.8 Free Download

Dokan Pro is a powerful WordPress plugin that transforms your website into a fully functional multi-vendor marketplace. Developed by WeDevs, Dokan Pro Nulled provides everything you need to create and manage your own online marketplace, where vendors can sign up, list their products, and manage their own stores. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to launch a new e-commerce platform or an established business owner seeking to expand your online presence, Dokan Pro offers the tools and features you need to succeed.

Overview: Dokan Pro is built on top of WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system, making it easy to integrate into your existing website. With Dokan Pro, you can turn your WordPress site into a feature-rich marketplace that rivals the likes of Amazon and eBay. The plugin offers a user-friendly interface, robust customization options, and seamless integration with popular payment gateways and shipping methods, allowing you to create a unique and professional marketplace tailored to your specific needs.


1. Multi-Vendor Functionality:

Dokan Pro Free Download allows you to create a multi-vendor marketplace where multiple vendors can sign up, list their products, and manage their own stores. Each vendor gets their own dashboard where they can add and edit products, view orders, manage inventory, and communicate with customers.

2. Frontend Store Management:

Vendors can manage their stores directly from the frontend of your website, eliminating the need for them to access the WordPress admin dashboard. This intuitive interface makes it easy for vendors to update their store settings, add new products, and track their sales and earnings.

3. Commission Management:

The plugin allows you to set up commission rates for each vendor, specifying how much of each sale goes to the vendor and how much goes to you as the marketplace owner. You can also set different commission rates for different product categories or individual vendors, giving you full control over your revenue streams.

4. Flexible Product Options:

Vendors can list a wide range of products on your marketplace, including physical goods, digital downloads, and services. Dokan Pro supports various product types, attributes, variations, and pricing options, allowing vendors to create detailed and customizable product listings.

5. Integrated Payment Gateways:

The plugin seamlessly integrates with popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and Authorize.Net, allowing you to accept payments from customers securely and conveniently. You can also enable offline payment methods such as bank transfer and cash on delivery to accommodate customers who prefer alternative payment options.

6. Shipping Management:

Dokan Pro provides built-in shipping management features that allow vendors to set their own shipping rates and methods for their products. Vendors can configure shipping zones, rates, and restrictions directly from their dashboard, ensuring accurate and reliable shipping options for customers.

7. Extensive Reporting Tools:

Dokan Pro offers a range of reporting tools that allow you to track the performance of your marketplace and analyze sales data. You can view detailed reports on sales, orders, revenue, commissions, and more, helping you make informed decisions to grow your business.

8. Product Variation Support:

Dokan Pro supports product variations, allowing vendors to offer different options for their products such as size, color, or material. Vendors can create and manage variations directly from their dashboard, providing customers with more choices and enhancing their shopping experience.

9. Vendor Review and Rating System:

Build trust and credibility within your marketplace by enabling a vendor review and rating system. Customers can leave feedback and ratings for vendors based on their shopping experience, helping other shoppers make informed decisions and encouraging vendors to provide high-quality products and services.

10. Vendor Social Profiles:

Allow vendors to connect with customers on a personal level by linking their social media profiles to their store. Vendors can add links to their social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, enabling customers to follow them and stay updated on new products and promotions.

11. Vendor Vacation Mode:

Give vendors the flexibility to temporarily disable their stores when they’re away or unable to fulfill orders. The vacation mode feature allows vendors to set a start and end date for their absence, automatically disabling their store during that period and displaying a custom message to inform customers.

12. Customizable Storefronts:

Enable vendors to customize the appearance of their storefronts to reflect their brand identity and style. Vendors can upload their own logos, banners, and store descriptions, as well as choose from a selection of pre-designed storefront templates to create a unique and professional look for their store.

13. Advanced Order Management:

Dokan Pro provides advanced order management features that allow vendors to manage orders efficiently from their dashboard. Vendors can view, process, and fulfill orders, as well as print packing slips and invoices directly from their dashboard, streamlining the order fulfillment process.

14. Vendor Payouts and Withdrawals:

Automate vendor payouts and withdrawals with Dokan Pro’s built-in payment processing features. You can set up automatic payouts on a schedule or manually approve payouts based on vendor earnings thresholds, ensuring timely and accurate payments to vendors.

15. Dedicated Customer Support:

Enjoy dedicated customer support from the Dokan Pro team, who are committed to helping you succeed with your marketplace. Whether you have questions, need assistance with setup, or encounter technical issues, the Dokan Pro support team is available to provide expert guidance and assistance.

Why Choose Dokan Pro?

  1. Comprehensive Feature Set: Dokan Pro offers a comprehensive set of features that cover all aspects of running a multi-vendor marketplace, from vendor management and product listings to order processing and payouts. With Dokan Pro, you have everything you need to create a successful online marketplace.
  2. Ease of Use: Dokan Pro is designed with ease of use in mind, making it simple for both administrators and vendors to manage their marketplace. The intuitive interface and user-friendly features ensure a seamless experience for all users, regardless of their technical expertise.
  3. Scalability: Whether you’re starting small or planning to scale up your marketplace in the future, Dokan Pro can accommodate your needs. With its flexible architecture and scalable infrastructure, Dokan Pro can grow with your business and support an unlimited number of vendors and products.
  4. Customization Options: the plugin offers a high degree of customization, allowing you to tailor your marketplace to suit your specific requirements and branding. From customizing storefronts to configuring commission rates and payment options, Dokan Pro gives you full control over your marketplace.
  5. Proven Track Record: Dokan Pro is trusted by thousands of users worldwide and has a proven track record of success. With regular updates, dedicated support, and a thriving community of users, Dokan Pro is continually evolving and improving to meet the needs of its users.

Conclusion: Elevate Your E-commerce Venture with Dokan Pro

In conclusion, Dokan Pro emerges as the definitive solution for those seeking to establish a thriving multi-vendor marketplace using WordPress. Boasting a rich array of features, intuitive interface, and seamless integration with various payment gateways and shipping methods, Dokan Pro empowers administrators and vendors alike to create, manage, and grow their online businesses with ease.

The plugin’s extensive feature set, including support for product variations, vendor reviews, social profiles, and vacation mode, ensures that marketplaces can be tailored to specific needs while fostering trust and engagement among customers and vendors.

Moreover, Dokan Pro’s commitment to scalability, customization, and dedicated customer support underscores its reliability as a platform for both small startups and established enterprises looking to expand their e-commerce ventures.

In summary, Dokan Pro stands as the premier choice for anyone embarking on the journey of building a successful multi-vendor marketplace. With its comprehensive features, user-friendly interface, scalability, and proven track record, Dokan Pro equips entrepreneurs with the tools and support needed to thrive in the competitive world of e-commerce.


v3.11.2 ( Jun 11, 2024 )

– **new:** Free Shipping Coupon for Vendors. Vendors can now create free shipping coupons directly from their coupon dashboard, enabling them to offer special shipping promotions to their customers. Additionally, vendors can effortlessly add free shipping options with the use of coupons from their shipping dashboard, enhancing their ability to provide attractive incentives and a seamless shopping experience.
– **update:** Stripe express recipient cross border transfer payout support added for US platform.
– **update:** Add pending refund request message in order details page and hide refund request button when there is a pending refund request.
– **fix:** Cache not invalidating for Product Advertisement module.
– **fix:** Vendor Subscription Activation Issue when purchase with Paypal.
– **fix:** Removed empty columns from order details page.
– **fix:** Prevent `Vendor Enable` email from sending on plan switch for already enabled vendors. – **fix:** Vendor announcement email URL now correctly redirects to the individual announcement page instead of the announcement archive page.
– **fix:** Redirect user to the correct url after stripe authorization.
– **fix:** [StoreReview] Admin CSS loading issue on store review module.
– **fix:** Fixed PHP 8.2 warning in checkout page.
– **fix:** Fixed MangoPay Webhook issue that attempted to register webhooks when the API is not configured initially.
– **fix:** Fixed inability to create UBO verification for Vendor in MangoPay Settings page.


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